Monday, October 4, 2010

Bragging on my Baby!

Well when it comes to the saying, "they grow up so quick."
These past weeks I have seen a new maturity and personality in Daniel.
He has just grown so much in some of his activities.
It started off with him.... Gargling!
All out took a drink of milk put his head back and GARGLED!
I know it doesn't seem like much, but well I found it very entertaining!
It had me laughing for a nice Lil bit, which of course he found hilarious, momma laughing that is.
He in many ways is growing up.
He finally has learned to put his food back on his plate, rather than dropping it on to the floor.
This has taken time, but he now does it without any prompting.
He just automatically uses a plate!
Momma's floors aren't so sticky anymore!
I found a new babysitter!
Well that is for about 2.5 minutes!
He is finally able to have the attention span to watch TV for well only minutes.
But, if you have seen Daniel in action...
Than you know 2.5 for him to spend in one place is amazing!
The most touching thing was this...
My best friend Jennifer's mother passed away, and Daniel and I went to the funeral together. I know Sue would have wanted him there.
This was only the second funeral I had been to since my Mom, and this one hit closer to home.
So to say it was emotional was putting it lightly.
During the opening portion we all stood for a prayer, and as my head was bowed and eyes closed.
I felt Daniel put the palm of his hand under my chin, and he lifted up my face to his. When I opened my eyes he just gave me the "Mommy it's gonna be OK" look, and then he leaned in and gave me a big slobbery Daniel kiss.
Now whether that was Divinely inspired I knew Daniel knew what I needed at that very moment.
He had never done anything so sweet and much needed as it was at that moment.
I saw my baby boy so very clearly at that instant, I saw just the preciousness of him.
How blessed I am to have him as my son, he was truly picked especially for me.

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