So today was our 10 month check at the dr. Daniel will be 10 mos on Saturday!
Weight: 16lb 4oz!
~Last weigh in was 14lb 12oz, so thats 24oz gain in one month! Which is fantastic! He is still not technically on the growth chart, but he is still on the up curve so they are happy with it!
Height: 27 3/4 inches!
~This actually put Daniel on the growth chart in this category! He is now in the 10th % of his age for his height. It was just nice to hear he was doin so good.
Head Circumfrince: 17 inches?
~ He is not again technically on the chart, but he is still on the upscale, so it is pleasing.
So all in all the appt was good. She doesn't know the reason for the throwing up, but is so pleased with the all the gains, that she doesn't weigh to much on them. Which is no biggy, I figure the same. So I guess I will just keep cleaning up the puke, and just be glad he is gaining!
O, and the return appt is, drum roll please....
2 1/2 mos away for his one year check up!
We had never gone longer than 4 weeks!
So major break through!
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