Everyone tells me EVERYTHING gets better at a year...
Not that it is bad, but they tell me their bodies get so much stronger that things are easier for me when they reach that mark! So less than a month and I expect Daniel to be perfect!
Wait, he is perfect! In all his imperfectness - he is perfect.
He had a lil virus this week! It was a lil scary his temp got pretty high, but it went down so quick that I wasn't too alarmed. But, the temp continued for over 24 hours, so off to the dr we went.... All I can say is I LOVE Daniel's pediatrician!!!! She is great. His temp was down by the time we got there, but he did have some wheezing, so we got a breathing treatment. His lungs cleared up a lot, so off to the pharmacy for inhaler and steroid for him. And now he is doin much better.
But ,through all of it, he was in good spirits for the most part. But, I also have learned the tricks to making him happy, or content.
Get in the car and drive, with his window down. That wind on his face calms him down, just as it does his mommy! And this beautiful weather has been perfect!
We have gotten his pics done, and I can't wait until I can share them with everyone! We had so much fun! We went to the park and took lots of pics!
We are anxiously preparing for Daniel's 1st Birthday party! Got all the decorations, and have started shopping for the food. Getting the addresses ready for invitations, and can't wait to see everybody.
O, so Daniel LOVES crawling on his belly! But, he recently has started taking a few more crawls on his knee's and today, he actually crawled on his knee's all the way from the couch to the tv!
I hope it continues, cause he is too old to be on his belly.
So we look forward to the growing and the walking soon to come. I can tell he is ready, but just a lil wably on his feet. So soon to come.