Friday, October 8, 2010

Potty Time

Not Potty training...
I wish!

Daniel has learned to throw things into the potty!
First my facewash which was lodged pretty tightly...
Good thing it was the old one!

Second was a rubber ducky - the firefighter one!
Guess he thought the fireman needed more water?
Gotta put out the fire!

Wonder what's next...

the story will continue!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Bragging on my Baby!

Well when it comes to the saying, "they grow up so quick."
These past weeks I have seen a new maturity and personality in Daniel.
He has just grown so much in some of his activities.
It started off with him.... Gargling!
All out took a drink of milk put his head back and GARGLED!
I know it doesn't seem like much, but well I found it very entertaining!
It had me laughing for a nice Lil bit, which of course he found hilarious, momma laughing that is.
He in many ways is growing up.
He finally has learned to put his food back on his plate, rather than dropping it on to the floor.
This has taken time, but he now does it without any prompting.
He just automatically uses a plate!
Momma's floors aren't so sticky anymore!
I found a new babysitter!
Well that is for about 2.5 minutes!
He is finally able to have the attention span to watch TV for well only minutes.
But, if you have seen Daniel in action...
Than you know 2.5 for him to spend in one place is amazing!
The most touching thing was this...
My best friend Jennifer's mother passed away, and Daniel and I went to the funeral together. I know Sue would have wanted him there.
This was only the second funeral I had been to since my Mom, and this one hit closer to home.
So to say it was emotional was putting it lightly.
During the opening portion we all stood for a prayer, and as my head was bowed and eyes closed.
I felt Daniel put the palm of his hand under my chin, and he lifted up my face to his. When I opened my eyes he just gave me the "Mommy it's gonna be OK" look, and then he leaned in and gave me a big slobbery Daniel kiss.
Now whether that was Divinely inspired I knew Daniel knew what I needed at that very moment.
He had never done anything so sweet and much needed as it was at that moment.
I saw my baby boy so very clearly at that instant, I saw just the preciousness of him.
How blessed I am to have him as my son, he was truly picked especially for me.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Life is Keeping us busy!

It's been harder and harder to find time to blog lately!
Daniel keeps me ever so busy these days, from chasing him around the house, to eating me out of house and home!!
That boy can eat like a teenager, or at least I imagine. But, I don't look forward to finding out.
Daniel learns and grows so much every day! His vocabulary grows constantly. He may say the words once to tease you and then won't say that one word again for a week. But they are there, and that's what matters.
He is so smart, you can just see as he plays with certain toys how the wheels are just turning and he is trying to figure out exactly what and how to do a particular task.
He can tell you where his ears, eyes, mouth, and feet are. He still gets tripped up on the nose! But, you have to make sure you ask him where his eyes are last because.... Well I laugh everytime he pokes himself in the eye. So once he gets a laugh out of me he keeps doing it to get another laugh, which I must oblige. So there are a lot of eye pokings and laughing going on in our household.
Can I say my best recent buy was a.... Child Gate! No more turning on the dishwasher! Lordy that was getting tiring, my dishes were getting washed multiple times daily!!!! And now I may actually get to keep up with my tubaware and their lids!!! That will be a treat!
We have been amazing lately, and couldn't be that way without all our friends and family. I am greatful for all of them and all they mean to me.
Here are a few pics to keep everyone updated!

We went to eat lunch with Ryan at Fuzzy's Taco's!
Daniel and his puter! Now leave Mommy's alone!

My ever growing big boy!

Us at the Ringling Bros Circus

Daniel loves setting off the alarm, and he knows exactly what he is doing!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Well it's been a few weeks since our amazing trip to NYC, but we are still trying to catch up. It was such a sur-real experience it was just truly a blessing and just what we needed.
Let me just catch you up on the importance of this trip...
When I was around the age of 4, my mom took me on my very first airplane ride. Just her and I flying to see family that I had never met.
I met my Great Aunt Blanche, and my cousin Jayne.
This was my airplane ride, and something that my mother and I did. I remember for years always hearing the stories, and us talking about going back to visit.
As time went on this idea of going back just got pushed back between being crazy busy and just occupied with life.
So the fact that I was able to go back to NYC for the first time in 25 years and it be Daniel's first flight it brought back feelings of what my mom had to be feeling. Yes, I was slightly older but to be able to show off your child, and want to see this famous city with them. All I can say was it, was awesome!

Our flight was very early in the morning, which worked out pretty well. By the time the plane got flying Daniel was ready for a nap! But we had the sweetest seat mate she didn't mind Daniel's lack of personal space. That boy will just get up in any ones face if you turn for one second! But he sure is cute doing it.
So Daniel did fantastic! He slept the whole flight, had a chicken wing on lay over, and then again slept the whole flight from Atlanta to NYC.

We got to NY and met up with my old sorority sister, Veronica and her daughter Haley. Haley is only 2 months older than Daniel, by the time we were leaving the airport they were already trying to hold hands from the strollers! Gotta love kids!
On our way home we stopped by the beach, and it was beautiful. You could see Connecticut from the beach. We proceeded to go to Veronica's home, which lucky her is only 15 min from the beach!
That night we had the most scrumptious meatball pizza! Got love those Italian's!

Thursday we got up and my cousin Jayne came over. Even though I had not seen her in 25 years it was just like no time had passed! We caught up and I got some genealogy work that she had been doing. We tried to tie some lines between the families and she helped me put some of the stories I remember my mom telling me, she put the pieces together. O and found out I am a distant cousin of James Caan! The guy from the Las Vegas Show, loved him on that, and also from The Godfather! Anyways, we went to lunch had awesome Greek food and had great company!
That night Veronica, Dave, Haley, Daniel and I went to eat at Vincent's.... Can I just say the most amazing Italian food you will EVER eat in your life! Holy cow! I didn't know it could be so good, and Daniel loved their ravioli and Ziti. One tip do not order the Hot Marinara sauce, I had to drink some of Daniel's milk - not from a sippy cup. But, man it was amazing.
So Friday Veronica, Daniel and I ventured to the big city! We rode the train out, which we missed the first train - this should have been a hint on our timing skills! So we got some bagels and then caught the next train. We headed into NYC and got our tickets for the double decker tour buses and was set out to get on one. Just about then the rain started coming down. We knew we weren't gonna melt, but also knew that we couldn't be on top of a bus with no roof and raining with Daniel. So we scurried over to a restaurant and got a bite. Delicious food, and perfect timing. So we decided to work on getting back on the bus. But, first we took a long long walk down the city so I cold find and see the LDS temple in Manhattan. It was a long walk but worth it. We got to talk to a few missionaries and take a look at some of the meeting house which was in same building as temple.

So after this venture we set out for the double decker we catch on one, and well lets just say our tour guide was in full Yankee mode. I still can't get over the difference of Yankee's and Texans. Well some Yankee's. The buildings are just absolutely beautiful I had never seen anything like it. Such history and just breath taking views. And who knew Central park is apparently ginormous!
We got on the subway and ventured down to China Town!!! It was a world of it's own!!!! It's called let's make a deal, and well this girl isn't use to that. They were like name your price and you could say a dollar, and they were like 5 dollars and the original price is like 40... Pretty close right? Daniel was so good and such a trooper. There are pics of him in his stroller and you can tell he was so over China Town. But it was all good. The shops were great. So we decided we better head in, get souvenirs and then catch our 630pm train, since after 630 trains are only every hour instead of every 30 minutes. Some how we missed that one, and then we planned the 730 and couldn't get out of town and to the station quick enough so we missed that one too! So we hung out at the train station for an hour snapped a shot of NYC finest for Daniel's daddy and then finally caught the train and made it home later than sooner, but man it was so awesome!

Saturday we wake up and can't decide what to do... So in a hat we put our choices. Going "IN" - into the city, going "out" - to the Hampton's, stay in and go swimming, or go to the beach. So we drew.... "IN" it was. So we loaded up and headed back In-to the city! Places we visited on Day 2: Rockefeller Center, FAO Schwartz, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Central Park, Grand Central Station, and watching dancer's in the street.

Sunday: We decided after 2 days in the city with a "heat wave" we needed a relaxing day in. So we lounged around and played in the pool. But for this Texas girl I learned water in NY does not warm up like water in the lone star state! But it was a great day lounging and hanging with great friends! The kids played so well together!!!

Monday, our last day of vacation we had one more thing to check off of our list... Back to the beach was the plan. We went out and learned that well we don't know how to put up a beach umbrella so it won't blow away. After the third time I think we finally got it... Let's me just say one more time, I like my water for swimming to be 80 degrees??? I thought I could handle cooler, but well this girl wouldn't get past her knees the water was soooo cold! Daniel got about ankle high and was good to stay at that depth.
After a few hours at the beach we packed up and headed home, and got the ready to head home.

We said our sad goodbye's to good friends, and made plans for another trip next year!

I will say this of all the wonderful sights we saw and great experiences I will say the best part of the entire week was having a full solid week with my baby boy. We get so caught up in work, and with sometime crazy work hours I feel like I barely see him. But having this one on one time with him made me appreciate him so much and just helped me reinforce just how WONDERFUL my son is!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Fathers Day!

I am thankful for my Dad, and all that he does.

He and I never were close, but after the passing of my mom he has really been there for me!

From bringing me sprite when I was nauseated when I was pregnant, to picking me up milk for Daniel. He always makes sure I have plenty of botteled water, and calls and wakes me up EVERY morning.
I am proud of him in many ways. I am proud of his preserverance in a difficult time, for being my rock when I was barely surviving. I am proud that he is a veteran, and served our country in Vietnam. I am grateful for how much he puts up with me. And I am proud of just how great of a father he has been and still is.

So, I am greatful for the relationship we have formed.

I am thankful at how much he loves Daniel. I am thankful that Daniel is getting to know his Gramps.

Being a child that never had a single grandparent, I am so happy Daniel has him - a wonderful grandfather.

I also want to express my gratitude for Daniel's father...

I am greatful that Daniel has a father that has taken responsibility and loves him, and wants to spend time with him.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Just the beginning of summer

So much going on here!
Well it mainly consists of me attempting to keep up with Daniel!
He is constantly on the move these days.
He prefers to walk than crawl this past week.
Any time he falls, he picks himself right back up and walks a few more steps.
Then repeat the same process.
Glad to see he can dust himself off and keep going!
Daniel is a bottomless pit!
You would think the way he eats he would weigh a ton, but that boy is like his daddy.
So, were just gonna be long and lean.
He seems to be eating and working all of it off!
We have had a busy summer already, and well it's just gonna get more busy!
We invested in a season pass to NRH2O!
Daniel loves it!
We have gone every week for the last 3 weeks!
Daniel loves the water, and is doing really well with getting more confident with floating on his stomach and back with minimal hand holding.
Below are pics from our first visit.
He really enjoys the alligator, and all the water sprays!

Our one and only favorite alligator!

Daniel loves some Rootbeer!

And his chicken sandwhiches!


Fun in the sun

Friday, May 21, 2010

This and That

Nothing too big here, but here are some fun lil things happening in our world.
Daniel is now able to drink from a straw!
Again not big, but a constant reminder that he is growing up so fast!
We are off bottles, only sippy cups these days.
Except 1 bottle at night to put him to bed.
Again my baby is growing up.
No paci except at nap/bed time if necessary is successfull.
There are those times he won't get calm enough to sleep without it....
He is one big talker, lots of sounds and sounding out more and more letters and two letter combinations daily.
It's so fun hearing his lil voice coming together!
He waves, gives high 5's and kisses on DEMAND!
Kiss Momma!
I love asking and getting as many kisses as I want!
He continues to take more steps, but still only a few at a time.
Though sometimes he will stand and take them on his own with out any tempting from me.
So I figure one day I am gonna look up and he is gonna take off running!
Knowing our world!
And, he is my bottomless pit!
I swear the boy never fills up!
You name it he want's it, and espicially if your eating it!
* side-note- I hate one year shots and those dang "live" virus immunizations! Looks like we are having the full 14 days of side effects! *
But, Love my son!
I am truly blessed, he has saved and given my life meaning!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Mommy Day Suprise x2

Well it was about 330 am, and in my delirium I hear Daniel crying so I get up.
And in all my exhaustion, I decide to just go make him a bottle and let him take it so he can go back to sleep.

While I am sleep walking my way through the kitchen I keep hearing this beating outside...

I was thinking, "wow, this is a really bad storms are beating the door/house."
After about 45 seconds it snaps!

That's not the storm, it's Daniel banging on his bedroom door!!!!
How the heck did he get out of his crib!!!!!

I have no idea, and he has yet to do it again!

But, to say the least it has scared me to death!

So once again, we will move the mattress down.

Wish Us luck!

And for your veiwing pleasure!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Big Steps!

Holy Moly, Daniel took his first steps today!

It was a suprise, I had just gotten home from work and his Memaw was here. We were just walking and then we decided to try it.

And, well...

We had a solid 3 or so steps!

It was one small step for him, and one big step for man kind!

I thought that I couldn't wait for him to walk, and now it's more like, O NO!

I will have a very mobile child!

Looks like my life will now consist of chasing my boy!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Birthday Celebration!

Daniel's birthday party turned out great, despite the bad weather.
Starting early in the week of the party, we were frantically checking the weather.
As the day came closer the chance of rain increased day by day. I decided to wing it, we would be just fine.
Well the day brought... Bad weather. The day misted and rained and misted some more.
So with no back up plan we pressed forward.
As the party is nearing, and we are moving ALL the decorations under the pavillion. I was freaking out.
So, in a frantic hurry I ordered a bounce house one hour before the party, so tht the kids had something to do since the park was ruled out. The bounce house was delievered in time, and was a huge hit..
Had to get a mass text out that party was still on, cause most normal people would have moved or canceled the party. But, not me.
So people started to arrive and we all had fun. The rain backed off long enough for everyone to arrive and bounce.
When we paused to open gifts, we all stopped for a moment, and it was pouring!
Then we finished gifts and the rain stopped, so back into the bounce house we all went.
The party was great, we got to see friends old and new. We got to play, and eat yummy dogs.
We are truly blessed with amazing friends. Our family isn't large, but our circle of friends and love is big. He and I are the luckiest!
*The pictures are in no order, just lots of them to enjoy!*

My favorite lil red head.

Just hanging out.

Me and Elissa! Love her and the family.

My dad, and our long time friend Sue

All the Yummy food!

Darla (my birth mom) with Daniel, Roberta and Steven Hord and Elliott

Lynn and Calvin helping with the Dogs

Rebecca, beautiful in and out

Kyle, incharge of the dogs

Roberta (Susan H's mom)

my pretty boy

Daniel Loves being upside down

Dad, he was a trooper in all the rain and misting

Me and Daniel celebrating

Some of our guests

Susan and Daniel

Cake boy

Dad and Rebecca such an amazing dear freind

Our Church play friends The Hord's

Making his fun noises!

Fun Presents!

Our great and awesome friend Janet!

Georgia Love that gal

Aunt Susan and Kyle

Our wonderful friends and family

Baby Patrick Hord

Elliot and Steven Hord

Stephen, Gabby, Jen and Daniel

Kat and Zach

Angie and Mr. and Mrs. Hudson

Patsy, Sue, Roberta And Darla

The Cupcakes, and Pinata

My beautiful boy!

What a mess, but what a cute mess!

He has to get it all!

Sweeter than normal boy!

Love us!