Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Well things to mention this week?.?.?

Daniel is eating like the big boy he is becoming!! He has started to eat 2 servings of baby food and bottle at lunch and dinner! I am hoping his big weigh in last time continues to the weigh in next week.

Every wednesday Daniel and I go to dinner with Gramps. Tonight on our way to dinner I decided I wanna try something new... So I carried Daniel in and placed him in the highchair like a big boy. I typically would carry in his carseat and place him at table that way. So to sit him in the highchair was a super fun event. Daniel seemed to like it! Lil step for man kind, huge step for tiny babies! :)

So he is wanting to pull up, and that is including in his crib. I stood him up in the crib and realized it may be time to drop the mattress down. I went in again and he was trying to pull up and his head was above the top rail. So I know what my new task is for the weekend!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas Morning!

Daniel got a highchair, that he seems to love eating in!
And he got a push, sit play lion. He loves to push the nose and make it light up and sing!
Momma makes sure to keep the volume on low so she doesn't go too crazy too quick!

Christmas Eve Photos!

I look innocent, but...

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas!! Just a quick note

I am working on posting some pics for everyone to enjoy.
But, all I can say is Daniel made out like a bandit! He loaded up on the clothes and toys!
He is so blessed to have so many people that love him!

Watch for the pics to come soon

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Weigh In: Biggest ever

So as I prepare myself everytime we go in for a weigh in. I set a goal, but know there is a chance it may be a lil lower.
His last weigh in 2 weeks ago was: 13lb 3oz, it had been a 10 oz weight gain since 2 weeks prior.
So my goal for this visit was for a whopping 14 lbs. I know it may or may not happen
But drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Weigh In: 14lb 9oz!!!
Holy Cow! This was the largest weight gain yet. The nurse even checked the scale 2x with and without him on scale. We were all suprised, and so happy!
I will admit we did a happy dance for a good 15 min, well I danced and he laughed!!!
Looks like my babe is picking up the pace with the weight.
He seems to have a cold, but you would never know it by lookin at him jumping up and down constantly! Guess he is gaining some muscle!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My Tech Savy Son!!!

So apparently my son loves the puter, as shown in pics and video. I can't even attempt getting on it and have him in same room. He will army crawl all the way across the room just to get to it!! I wonder if this is any clue what is in store for this household!!

After filming this video, I looked at the screen and it was on something I had never seen before. I had to exit quick before he saved those crazy typings on what looked like an important page.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Christmas tree play

So tonight Daniel had gotten a lil fussy, so I decided to try the tree for a distraction. Well it worked, probably better than I had hoped. Couldn't get him away from the wrapping paper, lights and shiny presents.

Daniel starting to crawl

Daniel's first video of attempting to crawl.

As much as I look forward to his growth, I am very scared if I can get my place baby proofed in time. O, wait it's too late he is already getting into stuff.

And he loves dumping over baskets, already. He has dumped his sonck basket, and most recently his toy basket. So much for a clean house, eh....

Halloween outfits 11-09

Daniel's 6 month Photos

This was actually edited so that my hand didn't show!!

Family Photo

A visit to see Grahams

I know some might see this as morbid. But we had a picnic and I told him stories of his Grahams. We laughed and I cried, and we left flowers on my moms grave, my grandmothers, my uncles and my aunts graves.

Sept 2009

This is Daniel in his uber cool jumper!!!

Summer 2009

Daniel's first trip to NRH2O! We had a great time in the lazy river! But then we had to take a cat nap!
Daniel and Gramps!
I just think this expression is too cute!

Us trying to take a nap at our 3rd stay at Cooks

Daniel's First Day of Day Care!

This is us back in the hospital

This is in his boppy. You can see just how tiny he was.

My sweet lil lil boy

Daniel's First Full Bath at Home!

Our First family Photo!

My favoite! I love his hair and eyes!